Tuesday, July 27, 2010


I've really enjoyed this class. It's definitely been frustrating at times, but helpful and educational for the most part. I've learned how to use tons of new and incredibly beneficial tools on the internet. I had no idea about any of googles extra services. I thought all they offered was a search engine. So I am very grateful for this class and all of my new found tech knowledge. I can't wait to use my new skills in my future educational endeavors: learning and teaching. Thank you!

Website Storyboard...

I used this storyboard as the original layout of my website... I made a few changes as I went. I also added more detail to my actual website than I showed on the storyboard. I do believe storyboards are very helpful in creating and originating ideas.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Movie Maker... or iMovie

The main reason I chose to use Movie Maker is because I have a PC, not a Mac. I really enjoyed this project... frustrations and all!!! There were times my eyes wanted to pop out of my head with sheer rage, but I overcame the psychotic outbursts and calmly finished the project. Picking my topic, the pictures and the music was the easy party. The hard part came when some of the songs I chose were protected and I wasn't allowed to use them. So I got creative and found new songs or new versions of the original songs. I really thought adding the transitions and the captions was reasonably easy and was beneficial to the whole of the story. I feel this tool will be good to have when teaching, but it will also be GREAT just for any and all family, friend and social events!!!

A Few of My Favorite Things... A Digital Story!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


I'm still not real sure how I feel about Inspiration. I know it will come in handy when I know all the ins and outs. I'll just have to keep working... Trial and Error!!! This will not only be helpful as a teacher, but now as a student!!!